So it sort of turns out that I do a number of things in London (and sometimes other places) that I’m losing count of. Which sucks in the age of the interwebz. My old trusty system of collecting programmes works well for theatre (OK fine, and ballet and opera) but not for a lot else. Restaurants for example, or parks, or just strolls around town.
Starting the blog reason 1: Memory (mine)
Additionally I seem to do a lot of different stuff and approach them from my own perspective. I find opera quite nice and I’m not over 60. I also love the National Gallery and I have next to zero knowledge of art. I eat (a lot) and I am not too snooty to like chain restaurants or shit places with one amazing dish. Also (and this is quite important) being Greek in London gives me a bit of a weird perspective (I like to think so) – so my choices are a bit weird too. They are always honest too. No pretentious crap, no lies. These are things I do and my opinions. You are very welcome to disagree (even better if you do).
Starting the blog reason 2: Weirdness (and honesty)
Finally I’ve been blogging (personal, food) for many, many, many, many, many, many years and this is too damn fun.
Starting the blog reason 3: Fun
So there.
P.S. Turns out I also cannot find a proper photo of me in front of a London monument, hence the selfie from the Botanical Gardens up in Edinburgh. No London tourist pics? It’s cause I bloody live here, right? Damn. This has to be rectified.
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